This is a little girl's "Teddy Bear Tea Party". :) My youngest has always loved her dolls and teddy bears... she has enjoyed dollhouses and tea parties, so for one birthday, we set up a fun tea party with her teddy bears. (Well, with SOME of them anyway. :)
Some of her "babies" also joined the party.
Her dolls are pretty special to her... and these aren't even the most special ones. Recently, she sadly told me that she can't find some of her dolls - many months ago, we did a project where we had to empty all the bedrooms at once and paint them and lay carpet. A big job. Her dolls had to be bagged up and moved with everything else... and she is afraid some of them may have been thrown out.... I admit that is sad for me as well. I had never liked dolls as a child, but when my oldest daughter (Wholesome Joy) was little... and I learned to LOVE dolls because she did. She made up stories about her babies... and knew which ones had already had chicken pox and which ones hadn't. :)
Anyway, this little tea party made my little girl was so happy... we had put so many special touches... pink flowing material at the entrance to the room, fun things tucked here and there. She LOVED it! :)
One of my young sons kept grumping... "There's too much pink in here!" and "It's too girly!" but I could tell he was glad his sister enjoyed it, even if he couldn't understand why. :)
It wasn't a great big deal...and we didn't spend money on it, but it sure made a little girl's birthday very special. She still likes tea parties, and when we have little neighbor girls over or friends from church, she loves to play dollhouse or tea party with them. Little girls are so special.. and I am thankful to see her enjoyment of pretty things.
As she is becoming an older girl/young lady, she loves having tea parties... real ones. We tend to drink a LOT of tea around here.... not always as a tea party, but it is fun to do that sometimes and special times.
One day last winter, both of my daughters and I sat in front of the fire in the family room and just quietly read books while we sipped hot cocoa from china tea cups and nibbled on homemade shortbread. It was a chilly gloomy day... and we all enjoyed the cozy time. The funny thing was that the guys kept looking down the stairs at us to see WHAT we were doing....
We invited them, but they wouldn't come... they ate their shortbread in the kitchen. :) Their idea of fun and ours differ... and we enjoy the differences..... and we also enjoy teasing each other about them, in a kind way. They are learning how to appreciate each other.... and each other's interests.
Thank you for joining me as I remember a sweet and special time... these days go by so quickly and we need to cherish them. I hope you have a wonderful day. :)
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Wise Woman Link Up
Inspire Me Tuesday
Modest Mom Monday
Art of Homemaking Monday
Vintage Charm
Her dolls are pretty special to her... and these aren't even the most special ones. Recently, she sadly told me that she can't find some of her dolls - many months ago, we did a project where we had to empty all the bedrooms at once and paint them and lay carpet. A big job. Her dolls had to be bagged up and moved with everything else... and she is afraid some of them may have been thrown out.... I admit that is sad for me as well. I had never liked dolls as a child, but when my oldest daughter (Wholesome Joy) was little... and I learned to LOVE dolls because she did. She made up stories about her babies... and knew which ones had already had chicken pox and which ones hadn't. :)
Anyway, this little tea party made my little girl was so happy... we had put so many special touches... pink flowing material at the entrance to the room, fun things tucked here and there. She LOVED it! :)
One of my young sons kept grumping... "There's too much pink in here!" and "It's too girly!" but I could tell he was glad his sister enjoyed it, even if he couldn't understand why. :)
It wasn't a great big deal...and we didn't spend money on it, but it sure made a little girl's birthday very special. She still likes tea parties, and when we have little neighbor girls over or friends from church, she loves to play dollhouse or tea party with them. Little girls are so special.. and I am thankful to see her enjoyment of pretty things.
As she is becoming an older girl/young lady, she loves having tea parties... real ones. We tend to drink a LOT of tea around here.... not always as a tea party, but it is fun to do that sometimes and special times.
One day last winter, both of my daughters and I sat in front of the fire in the family room and just quietly read books while we sipped hot cocoa from china tea cups and nibbled on homemade shortbread. It was a chilly gloomy day... and we all enjoyed the cozy time. The funny thing was that the guys kept looking down the stairs at us to see WHAT we were doing....
We invited them, but they wouldn't come... they ate their shortbread in the kitchen. :) Their idea of fun and ours differ... and we enjoy the differences..... and we also enjoy teasing each other about them, in a kind way. They are learning how to appreciate each other.... and each other's interests.
Thank you for joining me as I remember a sweet and special time... these days go by so quickly and we need to cherish them. I hope you have a wonderful day. :)
Shared on:
Wise Woman Link Up
Inspire Me Tuesday
Modest Mom Monday
Art of Homemaking Monday
Vintage Charm