Storms... they come in our weather. The clouds can be spectacular... and scary.
Storms make a lot of noise and have bright flashing lights. They do the unexpected.
Sometimes the storms come in quickly... they pop up and rush through the area.
The sky can turn so dark even in the daytime so that lights need to be turned on.
These pictures are all from one storm... that took about an hour to come in... the sky kept changing so fast. It was wonderfully amazing.
I haven't enhanced the color, shadows or brightness on any of the photos on this post. This is what the sky looked like. Like I said, it was amazing!
I was out when this was coming in and I was snapping pictures... and stopping in parking lots to snap more pictures.
A son called and said he was at a country park near us and the sky was amazing.. and I should come to take pictures there. The view from there was amazing because of the lack of buildings around. However it started to rain, so I just kept taking pictures.
This son enjoyed talking with weather spotters who were at the same park where he was and they were watching the clouds because of the severe weather.
We did get heavy rain, lots of wind and lightning and some hail from this storm. It was actually a day of storms... It would do this, then move through, settle down and the sun would come out, then the storms would come through again. The pictures here are from the afternoon storm that day.
We enjoy watching the storms... and seeing the massive power in such storms. The amazing thing is that God is much more powerful than those storms.
We don't like the damage such a storm can cause, but we enjoy the colors of the clouds, the changing weather, the blustery day when it comes.
Our lives also have storms.. we can see them in the lives of others.. and we don't like to see the damage left behind.... the suffering. We can experience such storms in our life and it can be frightening to be pushed and pulled by such storms. What a blessing that God is stronger than those storms also... and He has promised to be with those who are His.
How nice when the storms pass on by and the sun comes out again and we can clean up the mess left behind.
We do need to take storms seriously... they can do a lot of damage. This can also be true of the storms in our lives. We can take precautions and do what we can to be safe. Then we ride out the storm, trusting the One who controls those storms. His plan is perfect... even when it includes storms....
Maybe you are going through storms right now... maybe you feel despair and everything looks dark and confusing. I hope you will listen for God's still small voice in the midst of the storm.... and that you will remember His promises. I know I have to do that in my storms..
He is always faithful, even when we don't understand or like what we are going through. A kind and encouraging word to others enduring their own storms can be such a help. I know it is to me. May we remember to offer that encouragement when we can.
How beautiful the results can be in the life of one who has faced such bad storms while trusting the Lord.
"What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee." Psalm 56:3
Thank you for visiting.... If you are going through a storm or have sensed God's work in your life in storms, I would love to hear about it in the comments. I hope you have a great week. :)
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