Even if we were not looking at them to watch the weather, we would still look at them because they are so interesting and beautiful. I take many photos of them.........and continue to be amazed at how fast they change and how brilliant they look. Clouds are so amazing and God has made such a variety of them.
Sometimes the clouds are thin and wispy, other times they are thick and heavy.
Sometimes the clouds are white and other times they are tinged with gray, blue or black.
Sometimes bits of blue sky show through and other times, the sky looks overcast with no blue showing at all.
Some types of clouds are seen rather seldom, others are quite familiar.
Some clouds build and go up into higher layers of the atmosphere.........some are signs of stable weather and others are signs of unstable weather.
Some clouds are recognized as growing storm clouds....and look forbidding and scary.....
Some clouds say a storm is coming and imminent.............or they can say that the storm is over.
Other clouds look cheerful, but can still be a sign of changes to come..........
Some clouds are painted with many colors and form beautiful sunrises and sunsets.
Some clouds alert us that we need to put things away, clear the yard of things that can blow around and get ready to take shelter.
Some clouds just look free and inspire us to watch more to see the frequent changes as the winds at different levels blow the clouds around and updrafts and downdrafts rearrange them.
There are so many things to learn about clouds and I enjoy observing and testing the little bit of knowledge I have of them...............and so do my kids. Is that cloud full of rain? or a sign of nice weather? Is that the cloud that means a change in the weather in the next day? Is that a shelf cloud.....could we have a tornado? Green clouds? Hmmmm, will we get hail? Fun to learn and to test our knowledge and I like being more aware of the world of nature around us.
Clouds - such fun to look at and learn about - let's keep looking at them.......
Another post with many interesting cloud pictures:
There's a Storm Coming!