I started believing that all big bumblebees are slower and maybe a bit "friendlier" than other bees.
When the kids and I were at the park this summer, I saw a lot of big bumblebees on some flowers and didn't feel nervous of them at all, but then I realized those bees were hyper and flying all around..... they didn't seem friendly... AT ALL. I was surprised and started thinking about it.
I thought about the passionflower plant and remembered that it has sedative qualities.... I use the plant in mixtures for salves for itching and more.
Thinking about the sedative quality of the plant, made me think about our bees. They love to sleep on the passionflowers and they seem slow and mild as they do their work on our passionflowers.... I then concluded that our big bumblebees are sedated... that is why the kids can "pet" them. We certainly could NOT have pet the same kind of bumblebees at the park.
There are so many things to learn about our world... and it is interesting how things work together in nature. I had concluded that ALL big bumblebees were mild mannered and gentle, sluggish and almost tame, but that wasn't true. There was a very important factor that I had left out - that of the sedative qualities of the plant the "tame" bees were on. This just shows that when we make an assumption, we need to carefully determine if we have all of the facts. Yes, some big bumblebees are quiet and mild, but not all are.
I wonder how many times we do that in our lives also... maybe we feel we have someone's problem all figured out... we have the answer.... but maybe we don't even know all of the factors. Maybe we do this with God also.... do we ever conclude that God really doesn't love us very much because He has allowed this or that to touch our life? The fact is that God DOES love us and He never changes, so whether we can make sense of what He is doing or not, He has a plan and it is a good one. We need to trust Him - He is ALWAYS good and we can ALWAYS trust Him.
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